Usability testing, design, development, and other long-form posts which are too heady for tweets about dumb regex-based humor.

TLDR: Compose heading content in natural title case, then use CSS to modify capitalization. Below, I explain why!

Understanding Capitalization

Before going any further, let's first define the different capitalization schemes. In this post I'm talking about natural language casing/capitalization, not code casing. Although I do love a good chat about snake_case vs. kebab-case vs. camelCase vs. PascalCase, that's for another day. As I understand it, these are the following forms of capitalization in the English language, and their corresponding CSS text-transform rules.

The hidden trap of writing self-affirmations

As I continue work on the One Thing to Do app, I've been thinking about the core goal of the project: training users to feel good when they need to complete or remember a task. TLDR: the app requires users to write a self-affirmation with every task they write. When viewing the todo list, self-affirmations are shown beneath tasks, to help keep the user in good spirits, to motivate them to do a task.


Create a list of feelings and visual descriptors to influence construction of the WKDU online design system & style guide.

See the alpha in action at
Feeling cyber? browse the repository

What is this, why should I care, Ben?

One Thing to Do is a side project I've been working on for the past few weeks. This post details its conception, the alpha version, a usability survey, and results/discussion of that survey. If you're just here for the juicy UX stuff, read the following problem/solution statements, then skip ahead to the Usability Test section.